ID Scanner for Door Access Control

Add door entry ID scanning and ensure underage patrons are stopped at your doors!

This all-in-one Age-Restricted Access Control (ARAC™), or door access control system, allows technology to double your protection for the prevention of underage access to your business, and therefore illegal sales. A customer must scan their age-appropriate ID in order for the system to unlock your door for entry.  This is the perfect tool for vape and cannabis shops, gaming areas, and even beer cave doors.

When the of-age customer scans their ID, our patent-pending technology will unlock the door and allow seamless access.  When an under-age customer attempts to enter, the system will remain locked and provide the response that they are not eligible to enter the store.  An optional light bar can also indicate to your inside staff that an underage customer attempted to enter, alerting you to the issue before they even step in.

Many states already have laws that mandate no underage allowed in certain stores and establishments.  Signs saying “Must be 21 to enter” act as weak and often ignored reminders of the law—and don't actually keep those under 21 from physically entering your retail space.

Impress the inspector upon their next visit with your level of diligence enforcing the law and protecting your business from fines and litigation!  


For more details on customized systems options and pricing, contact us for a quote: Call 888-310-4001 or email

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Door Access Control, ARAC System Includes:

  • Stand or wall mounted scanner
  • Electric door striker
  • Door override switch
  • Remote light bar, optional
  • 15 minute install process