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Posts tagged "Tobacco Sales"
The pay is challenging, the hours long, and customers difficult. You have long line, and it's been a long day. If you make a mistake, not only can you get fined, you can get arrested. It is happening every day....
How Minors Know Which Stores Will Sell Them Tobacco and Alcohol
When you were in high school, did your town have that one store or that one restaurant that would always accept fake IDs or knowingly sell to minors? Although it’s highly illegal, it happened then, and it still happens today....
Don’t Get Caught Selling Vape Products to a Minor
It’s a shame to say it, but vaping products are all the rage for kids these days. Many teens have no problem asking someone a couple of years older than them for their ID or finding a way to have...
Penalties for Selling Tobacco / Vape to a Minor are Increasing
For the business owners who do get caught and penalized, you will be cited and fined. And it's not just you, but your employee as well. For example, in states like California, the person selling tobacco to a minor is...