Latest news on ID Scanning and Age Verification Tech - Bars and Clubs
Posts tagged "Bars and Clubs"

Here’s an example of how a point of sale (POS) system can fail as an age verification system for preventing underage sales. A store was fined in 2019 for selling to underage. Since the first infraction, the point of sale has been updated so...

Parents are now reports places that sell alcohol / tobacco to their kids
We are seeing a growing trend of parents that report sales to minors to the police. The police are responding with surveillance and increased testing. Large fines, arrests, and revocation of sales license are resulting. Latest story on this. Stores...

Cost Effective & Easy to Use ID Scanners by Minor Decliner
When you were in high school, did your town have that one store or that one restaurant that would always accept fake IDs or knowingly sell to minors? Although it’s highly illegal, it happened then, and it still happens today....

ID Scanners & Business Owner Responsibilities
It goes without saying—it’s illegal to sell alcohol and tobacco to anyone under the age of 21 in the United States. Although this is common knowledge, there are some establishments that willfully ignore the fact that they’re accepting fake IDs—or...