Age Verify ID Scanning Systems

Age Verify ID Scanning Systems

The Value of Basic ID Scanning: More Than Meets the Eye

In our previous installment of the Myth Busters blog series, we explored the limitations of standard ID scanning in detecting fake IDs. In this second post, we'll debunk the myth that basic ID scanning is not valuable if it doesn't find fake IDs. Understanding how these systems help age verify is crucial for businesses.

Myth #2 - If basic ID scanning does not find fakes, it's not valuable to have

While it's true that standard ID scanning might not be the most effective method for identifying fake IDs, it still offers significant benefits for businesses and authorities. To fully appreciate the value of basic ID scanning and the role of an age verification system, let's examine its various functions.

ID scanners decode the information from the barcode on the back of a driver's license or identity card, allowing the system to calculate the holder's age and check if the license is expired. This automation of age verification and expiration checks offers several advantages, especially when using a drivers license scanner for age verification:

  1. Ensuring Compliance: By automating the age verification process, businesses can ensure that they are not selling age-restricted products, such as alcohol or tobacco, to underage individuals. This helps them maintain compliance with local laws and regulations, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.
  2. Reducing Human Error: Manual age verification can be prone to errors, especially during busy periods when staff may be rushed or distracted. ID scanners eliminate the need for manual calculations, reducing the risk of human error and ensuring accurate age verification.
  3. Improving Efficiency: ID scanners can quickly process and verify identification documents, making the age verification process faster and more efficient. This can help reduce wait times for customers and improve overall service quality, particularly in environments like bars where handheld ID scanners for bars are utilized.
  4. Enhancing Security: Although standard ID scanning might not be foolproof in detecting fake IDs, it can still deter some would-be fraudsters. The mere presence of an ID scanner can serve as a deterrent, encouraging those using fake IDs to seek out less vigilant establishments.

In our next blog post, we'll address the misconception surrounding the cost of fake ID scans and the potential consequences of accepting counterfeit identification. Additionally, we'll explore the benefits of using an ID scanner device as part of an automated age verification system.

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