

MinorDecliner™ can protect & save your business—

MinorDecliner™ addresses a critical need to provide an easy-to-use age verification solution to prevent sales of age-restricted products to minors. There is a variety of age-restricted items, each with a potentially different minimum legal age requirement.

A very high mix of requirements can be confusing for retail salespeople to decipher and calculate the legal sale of a product in a front-line sales position, where hours are long, lines are long, and customer patience is short.

State and local authorities test retailers to ensure compliance with laws prohibiting sales to minors. If it's found that your store sells to minors, escalating fines, court costs, and even losing the ability to sell the products are direct consequences.

Industry data shows failure rates (violation rates) of selling to minors range from 10-30%. A recent study I conducted for a large convenience chain located in Maryland showed a 20% failure rate for selling tobacco to minors.

MinorDecliner's™ research and 1st hand experience are that the failure rate of selling to minors is caused by an ineffective age verification and compliance system.

MinorDecliner™ was engineered from the ground up to address these issues and can reduce the violation rate to zero.

We bring value to our customers by assuring legal sale and avoiding fines and consequences, and to society in general by reducing the potential long- and short-term health, safety, and physiological impacts of underage use of any age-restricted products.

The MinorDecliner™ system has been thoroughly industry-tested, refined, and fully validated, with over 500 installed over five years.

Simple, Easy to Use, Easy to Train!

The system allows for fast scanning of State-issued IDs and Drivers Licenses for reliable data entry.

  • We read the 2D PDF417 Barcode in all 50 states and give fast, audible, and visible "Sale or No Sale" results.
  • We detect expired IDs and underage consumers with the MinorDecliner™ system. This is the ideal product to increase your employees' efficiency, help check IDs properly, and reduce the "human error" factor.
  • We support multiple scanners on the same tablet, so that different check-out stations can share one tablet, reducing implementation costs at the store level.

View All Age-Verification Technology & Products by Industry