ID Readers for Bars: Simple & Affordable

Demystify the Myths About Age Verification ID Scanners

Most of you have witnessed ID Scanning machines at various places like nightclubs, bars, vape stores, and more. Tobacco and vape products are the most common items that retailers and stores are bounded to sell to people above 21 years of age. There are multiple places across the USA where only people above the prescribed age are allowed. Using id readers for bars ensures compliance with these regulations.

Today, using age-verification ID scanners has become necessary for businesses to deter people from using fake IDs and getting age-restricted items/services. However, scanning fake, underage, and expired IDs is a challenging task that isn't feasible with all ID scanning machines. Hence, you always require a modern-tech ID scanning solution to block fake IDs at the entrance. Modern ID scanners efficiently verify different IDs with magnetic tape or barcodes, making your verification process quick and simple. The best id scanners for bars offer enhanced security and reliability.

Still, many businesses look for a second thought before using an ID scanning machine. Lack of knowledge and multiple myths about ID scanners are the prime reason behind the limited usage of ID scanners. So, let's check out common myths associated with modern ID Scanners and explore the business id scanner benefits.

Modern ID Scanner Need Operational Training:

Every equipment requires basic operational instructions to run. However, this doesn't mean using an ID scanner requires hard training sessions for proper usage. The ID scanning solutions come with a plug-and-play facility, which means you can start using it immediately after porting it with your PC and power supply. The usage of ID scanners doesn't involve any rocket science. Anyone with basic operational skills can use an age-verification ID scanner and verify the customer's IDs. Handheld id scanners for bars are particularly user-friendly and efficient.

ID Scanner Makes Customer's Sensitive Information Vulnerable: 

Today's ID scanners come with a scanning and storage facility. It means every document you scan is stored with its details like customer name, age, address, etc. However, saving personal details makes them vulnerable, creating chaos among customers regarding how their personal information will be used. Some customers even consider it a security breach, which is a myth. Interestingly, the personal details of every customer are stored only to share with the government authorities; whenever asked. Some state governments ask for customer data if you sell age-restricted products. This is where advanced age verification technology plays a crucial role in ensuring data security.

Age-Verification is a Heavy Investment for Business: 

The simple answer to this myth is 'Absolutely Not'! Modern ID scanners incorporate scanning capability for magnetic tape and barcodes, making it highly efficient for them to scan any customer IDs. The ID scanners vary based on the features they encompass. Hence, you can choose from various ID scanners available in the market. Interestingly, investing in an ID scanning machine will become your one-time investment that will last for years and maintain top-level security at the entrance.

Interesting FACT:

Starting Jan 1, 2023, the Nevada government introduced AB360, which makes using ID scanning software mandatory for age-restricted items. It means every tobacco and vape store/vendor/retailer must integrate age-verification ID scanners to restrict their vaping products and tobacco from underage patrons. Bill A360 is already enacted and will be followed starting Jan 1, 2023. You can read more about Nevada's age-verification Law here.

That said, you are now fully aware that ID scanners are highly efficient in fulfilling your security needs without investing much. Nowadays, age-verification ID scanning solutions have become the primary necessity for nightclubs, convenience stores, vape stores, tobacco stores, alcohol stores, etc. In totality, an ID scanner is highly recommended at the entrance to barricade underage patrons from using and consuming age-restricted items. This will also make a helping hand towards curbing the growing addiction to tobacco, alcohol, and vaping across the country.

Minor Decliner is a dependable provider of premium-quality ID scanners for age verification. You can connect at 888-310-4001 to discuss your business requirements and let us choose the right ID scanner at a highly competitive price.